CPG - Crowne Plaza Geneva
CPG stands for Crowne Plaza Geneva
Here you will find, what does CPG stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Crowne Plaza Geneva? Crowne Plaza Geneva can be abbreviated as CPG What does CPG stand for? CPG stands for Crowne Plaza Geneva. What does Crowne Plaza Geneva mean?The Switzerland based company is located in Genève, Geneva engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of CPG
- CMS Energy Corporation Gas tracking stock (now delisted)
- Coppermine Photo Gallery
- Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
- Compliance Policy Guide
- Contingency Planning Guidance
- Chemical Protective Gloves
- Chemical Protective Gloves
- Chairmans Planning Guide
View 153 other definitions of CPG on the main acronym page
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- CSI Clean Sweep Inc
- CCC Craft Construction Company
- CTA Community Telco Australia
- CCPL Custom Cartons Pty Ltd
- CCS Child Care Solutions
- CSA Cornwall Staff Agency
- CDL Clouse Dunn LLP
- CES Chainsaw Europe Studio
- CBC Coronado Bay Capital
- CSP Center Stage Productions
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